+17dBm CATV-EYDFA (module)
The LiComm standard EDFA OFA-CCA series is a full-functioning EDFA module with control circuitry packaged inside. It is designed for a single wavelength and narrow band fiber optic communications system in core networks, access networks, or CATV networks.
+17dBm EDFA Module [OFA-TC1 Series]
- Compact size (90 x 70 x 15 mm)
- Cooled 980 nm pump laser module
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range
- EDFA module including electric control circuit
- High output power up to 23 dBm
- Wide input dynamic range
- Low noise figure
- APC (Automatic Power Control) or AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
- Control & monitor by RS232
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3 V power supply
- Narrow band amplification in C-band
- CATV networks
- DWDM metro & long haul system
· Power equalization
· Pre-emphasis
- Signal loss compensation in switch matrix
- SONET/SDH system
- OADM access networks